The Teaching Series
Welcome to The Teaching Series. Below you will find short video teachings about. 12-20 minutes in length (also available as a podcast) that will help you study the Bible and understand its original context. Great for personal use, small group study, teams, family time, etc. Accompanying each teaching are discussion questions, and at times, additional resources for going deeper. Look out for new teaching every other Tuesday.
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Episode 176 – Flora & Faith Pt 2: Fruit Like a Fig Tree
Episode 176 – Flora & Faith Pt 2: Fruit Like a Fig Tree We’ve all read stories in the Bible that leave us wondering, “Wait! What in the world does that mean?” Jesus’s cursing the fig tree is a prime example. As one of the signature features of the landscape of the Bible, the fig tree developed deep symbolic meaning for the people of Israel.
Episode 175 – Flora & Faith Pt 1: Abiding in the Vine
Some of the most powerful lessons on faithfulness in Scripture come from flora illustrations. When we understand the flora behind the illustrations, we grasp the lessons at a deeper and more impactful level.
Episode 174 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 7: Microcosm of the World
Jesus lived and ministered in a world of competing agendas, ideologies, and theologies. Nowhere was this more apparent than around the Sea of Galilee.
Episode 173 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 6: Zealots of Gamla
Before, during, and after the life of Jesus, the land of Israel was a hotbed of Jewish resistance against Rome. Located just northeast of the Sea of Galilee, the city of Gamla was a stronghold for a group called the Zealots.
Episode 172 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 5: Gospel Patrons of Magdala
As an itinerant rabbi with disciples, Jesus was dependent on the hospitality and generosity of others. So, who funded Jesus’s ministry? The answer will make you chuckle and marvel at who God uses to advance His purposes in the world.
Episode 171 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 4: Pagans of the Decapolis
Jesus interacted with all kinds of people. And when he crossed the Sea of the Galilee to “the other side,” it was to be with the pagans of the Decapolis.
Episode 170 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 3: Religious Jews of the Triangle
Jesus spent an enormous amount of time in a tiny area of the Galilee we call today the “Evangelical Triangle.” Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida were home to a religious Jewish population that was passionate about following the Scriptures.
Episode 169 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 2: Herodians of Tiberias
The city of Tiberias looms large over the life and ministry of Jesus because of the powerful group of Jews it represented: The Herodians.
Episode 168 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 1: From Nazareth to Capernaum
Jesus spent 90% of his time ministering around the Sea of Galilee. Why not in Jerusalem? Why not in another part of the country? The answer is simple: Location. Location. Location.
Episode 167 – Birthday, Deathday & the Resurrection
Holy Week invites us to hold death and life in creative tension. We pause to consider Jesus’s death on the cross, but then we celebrate the new life bursting out of the empty tomb.