Episode 130 – The Journey Pt 3: Give God Something to Bless
Key Passage(s): Exodus 13:20-22; Exodus 14:10-15
One of the classic dilemmas we all face in life is this: What does it look like to live faithfully when we’re stuck and not sure what to do? Exodus 13 and 14 perfectly capture the conundrum many of us encounter : Trapped between the Sea and the Egyptian army, Moses tells the people, “God will help you! You only need to be still!” God’s response to Moses is like something out of a standup comedy routine. “Uh, Moses? Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!” When we’re stuck, many of us do nothing as we wait on God. But maybe God doesn’t want us to do nothing. There are times when we need to be still. And there are times when we need to get moving in order to give God something to bless. This episode will help you figure out how to do just that.
Discussion Questions
- What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
- Let your mind dwell on the contrast between the lush abundance of Goshen and the barren emptiness of the wilderness. When was a moment in your own journey, when you felt the whiplash of leaving the known and entering suddenly into the unknown?
- In a similar way, think about the Israelites hemmed in between the Sea and the Egyptian army. When have you felt similarly trapped between a rock and a hard place?
- Think of a handful of times when you felt stuck and were waiting on God for direction. What would it have looked like to give God something to bless?
- Where are you currently waiting on God and perhaps God is waiting on you to get moving? What does it look like to give God something to bless in this situation?
- How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?
Such an awesome message. This is why we need to be intimate wirhbGod so we may know his will for our lives. Also we need to bring something to the table and not sit back like a fat cat to be only fed.
I love this metaphor, Geana 🙂 Thank you for your comments.
I’ve been wrestling with this choice between choosing stillness or movement in the midst of an intense missions project. Thanks for your affirmation and encouragement to keep moving Brad!
So glad to felt encouraged and affirmed, Rhonda.