Episode 060 – Bread of Life Pt 4: Yeast of the Pharisees
Key Passage(s): Mark 8:9-26
Following the feeding of the four thousand, Jesus and his disciples get into a boat and discuss the “Yeast of the Pharisees” after the disciples forget to bring bread. And then Jesus appears to heal a blind twice outside of Bethsaida, making one wonder if he made a mistake. And we’re left asking ourselves, “What is up with these bizarre stories?” Well, they’re bizarre if you lack knowledge of the feedings of the five thousand and four thousand. But since we’ve already tackled those, it’s time to put all of these pieces together and reveal what Jesus is teaching his disciples, and what he wants to teach us as well.
Discussion Questions
- What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
- What was Jesus’ point in saying that “the Kingdom of Heaven was like yeast?” And how did that factor into what he said about “watching out for the yeast of the Pharisees?”
- Where have you been like the disciples where you thought you saw clearly on something, but found out you didn’t? What happened that changed your perspective and allowed you to see more clearly?
- Many of the Pharisees believed that God’s love was only reserved for certain people. Where has that perspective infiltrated your life in how you view yourself or others?
- How are you doing in loving ALL people well? How could you love people better?
- Are there any areas in your life where you’re “affirming” God’s Word but “not living” it out as intentionally as you should or desire?
- How can you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?
For Further Study
- Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels – see Chapter 25: The Geography of Forgiveness by John A. Beck
- Teaching Series Episode 015 – Loving God By Loving Others
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I’m watching this teaching from Thailand where 99% of the people do not know Jesus and this is such a great reminder that even those 99% are invited to The table if they will only come. The challenge is how to get them to want to come. Thanks for this great reminder.
You’re welcome, Doug!
Mark states in 6:45-52 that after Jesus walked on water that the disciples didn’t “understand about the bread.” What did they not understand in this context–Jesus’ divine power? What didn’t they understand about the bread in Mark 8–the meaning behind the numbers of leftover baskets or making them recall the miracles that Jesus had done, or that to the disciples the one loaf of bread wasn’t enough but as Jesus is the Bread of Life He was making Himself available to Jews and Gentiles? Perhaps all fit.
It’s fascinating how much the disciples “don’t get it” in the Gospel of Mark. In fact, the ones who consistently “get it” in Mark are the demons. I think a lot of it has to do with the disciples trying to understand who Jesus is. It’s easy for us, who are informed readers of the Bible and know how things end, to understand what Jesus is doing. But they’re in the middle of the story, and they don’t have categories for what Jesus is doing.
It is amazing how many reminders I need to love people well. On so many occasions I think I am just seeing “ the trees”.
Thank you for that wonderful teaching and I bless God for it.
You are most welcome, Sue!
Could it be that due to the lack of time to really learn the TORAH affected their understanding thus shocking Jesus?
Yet we see that TORAH does this:
Deut 6:25
Deuteronomy 6:25
And it shall be our righteousness,(and wisdom etc) if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us.
So might they be weak in this thus affecting their understanding and thus since we are steered away from the TORAH we are as ignorant of what is going on?