Episode 154 – David and Goliath Pt 3: Use Your Gift
Key Passage(s): 1 Samuel 17; Judges 20:15-16; 1 Chronicles 12:1-2
David and Goliath is one of the most well-known underdog stories in the world. But what if it’s not an underdog story at all? A closer look at the context reveals David isn’t an underdog (shocking, I know!). In fact, a careful reading suggests the moment David grabs a sling, Goliath is in serious trouble. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand how the context of ancient warfare completely changes the story of David and Goliath, and why it’s so important for you to do what God has uniquely gifted you to do.
Discussion Questions
- What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
- How do these details change the story of David and Goliath for you?
- Describe an experience or moment in your life where you were trying to be/do what God had gifted someone else to be/do instead of what God had gifted you to be/do.
- What does it look like for you to do what God has uniquely gifted you to do where you’re at right now? (Think family, neighborhood, job, life-stage.)
- How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?
For Further Study
- David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
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Who was there to record those events?
Hi Jorge,
Great question. I replied to your question on YouTube as well, but I’m also going to send you an email walking you through the details.
Brad Nelson
Content Director
I heard Malcolm Gladwell on a Tedtalk saying that David wasn’t an underdog and my ole Baptist heart did not like it. It felt like it was taking something away from the Bible story I learned years ago in Sunday school. But I really like your description here and I feel that it doesn’t take away from David’s love for God the way Malcom’s story did. Thank you for this interpretation!
Thank you for your honesty here, Shani. The first time I began to understand this story differently, I had the same reaction. It felt like something was being removed from the story. But the more I looked into it, the more the story took on a deeper richness even though it was different than what I had been taught. I’m grateful the interpretation of this teaching was helpful to you!
The interpretation brought me to a deeper level, as it unlocked hidden treasures for me through the amazing explanations of the story’s background. Your teaching is indeed a blessing. Thank you.
We bless God for that Glinda!