Episode 181 – Proclamations of Christmas Pt 1: Mary’s Song
Key Passage(s): Luke 1:26-33; Luke 1:46-55; Isaiah 9:6-7; Daniel 2:44
Christmas songs are powerful! From hymns and carols to drumlines and choirs, few things capture the essence of Christmas like its music. Which is why in this new series, we examine the prophetic songs surrounding the first Christmas recorded in Luke’s Gospel. Beginning with Mary’s song (the “Magnificat” in Latin), we see that she demonstrates a fiery confidence in God’s faithfulness despite centuries of foreign oppression. She believes the world will change and is blessed because of her belief. But Mary’s unflinching belief didn’t just happen. It was the natural byproduct of a life immersed in the Scriptures and animated by hope. May we experience the same this Advent season!
Discussion Questions
- What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
- What are some of the Christmas songs that are most meaningful to you and why?
- What makes you erupt with joy? Or, when was the last time you erupted with joy?
- Belief doesn’t just happen. It’s an outcome of multiple, daily choices. Mary’s belief was the natural byproduct of a life immersed in the Scriptures and animated by hope. What types of small, daily faithfulness are leading to belief in your life?
- How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?
For Further Study
- Ave Maria: Old Testament Allusions in the Magnificat (Article) by Amy Smith Carman
- The Liberation of Christmas by Richard Horsley – Chapter 6: Songs of Liberation
- The Real Mary by Scot McKnight
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Would love to hear Mary Kate sing. Can you link us to be able to hear her or with Ed Cash? That was quite a teaser!
Quite a teaser indeed! Unfortunately, Brad didn’t get any video!