Episode 070 – The Lord’s Prayer Pt 6: Our Daily Bread

Key Passage(s): Matthew 6:11

“Give us today our daily bread.” Sounds pretty straightforward, right? But what does it mean to ask for daily bread? How do we bring our requests before God? And what should we be asking for in the first place? These questions and more are the subject of this episode as we seek to understand what Jesus meant by the phrase, “our daily bread,” and what it means to faithfully live out this aspect of the Lord’s Prayer.

Discussion Questions

  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
  • How would you assess your prayer life? Where do you desire to grow?
  • In what ways did this episode challenge, encourage, and/or help you as you think through your prayer life?
  • N.T. Wright wrote, “The danger with the prayer for bread is that we get there too soon.” Why is it important to ground yourself in the first part of the prayer before you get to this segment?
  • How were you challenged by the communal aspect of this prayer – “Give us this day our daily bread?”
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?

For Further Study

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  1. Colleen June 13, 2019 at 8:05 am - Reply

    There were two things that came to mind while watching this episode that I would like you to comment on at some point.
    Silent or voicing prayers.
    Positions for prayer

    It’s been a very helpful and prayer-changing series. Thank you

  2. Miriam June 21, 2019 at 10:33 am - Reply

    Thank you Brad for this teaching
    Just the other day I was at a bible study and I told them that I feel guilty asking for prayer because I don’t take the time to pray for their prayers. Thank you for teaching me how to pray step by step for my daily bread.
    The other thing that really struck me is when you said maybe do something more then just pray for that person. Maybe you are the answer to that persons prayer. WOW

    • Brad Gray June 22, 2019 at 10:54 am - Reply

      So glad that was helpful to you, Miriam. Thanking you for sharing these thoughts.

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