Episode 144 – Lenses of Context Pt 1: Historical

Perhaps the most frequent question we hear is, “How do I learn to read the bible to understand it in it’s original context?” That’s why we wrote a free e-book called The #1 Mistake Most Everyone Makes Reading the Bible. In it, we unpack six lenses of context: historical, cultural, geographical, visual, linguistic, and literary. In this mini-series, Lenses of Context, we’ll explore each lens, citing specific examples of how that particular lens amplifies the meaning of the Text. In episode one, we unpack how the surprising history of the ancient city of Sardis informed Jesus’s warning to the church there in Revelation 3:1-6. By the end of this episode you’ll be equipped with a set of five questions to ask any passage you’re reading in order to understand the historical context.

Discussion Questions

  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching? 
  • What are some other passages or stories where you’d really like to know more about the historical context to help you understand the Bible better? 
  • Why do you think our first impulse when reading the Bible is typically, “What does this mean for me, now” rather than “What did this mean for them, then?” 
  • The city of Sardis trusted in the height of their walls and became complacent. What are some of the ways we often “fall asleep” and begin trusting in ourselves rather than being awake and alert and trusting in God? 
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?  

For Further Study

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  1. Keith T Gauss May 4, 2023 at 5:41 am - Reply

    How do I get the book, number one mistake people make when studying the Bible, & is it still free?

    • Brad Nelson May 16, 2023 at 9:11 am - Reply

      Hi Keith,

      Yes, it’s still free. You can get it at our website on the landing page. There’s a yellow section on the landing page that says, “Get Your Free E-Book.” If you click on the red button that says, Join Walking The Text, you’ll see a prompt for your email, and we’ll email it to you.

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