Episode 126 – Easter at Emmaus

Key Passage(s): Luke 24:13-32

Easter isn’t a day we celebrate. It’s a way of being in the world. It’s a posture of heart that announces, “What Jesus accomplished at the cross and empty tomb changes everything!” In this resurrection episode, we’ll look at the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus—a story only Luke records in vivid detail—and see how Luke’s subtle use of Scripture makes the bold claim that, in Jesus, everything that had been torn apart was finally being put back together. This episode will help you see connections from the resurrection story that are often overlooked. But, more importantly, Jesus’s actions at Emmaus remind us that in a world of shattered hope, we can live as people who have burning hearts of hope because He is risen!

Discussion Questions
  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
  • In Luke’s gospel, Jesus can usually be found at a meal, on a way to a meal, leaving a meal, or telling a story about a meal. Meals were the way Jesus embodied his kingdom announcement. How have you experienced the significance of meals in your life?
  • We experience pain and disappointment when reality doesn’t live up to our expectations. The disciples say to Jesus, “We had hoped…” Think of one or two of your own disappointments or painful seasons and finish this sentence, “I had hoped_______.”
  • Jesus reinterprets the story of his death for the disciples in a way that’s hopeful. How has Jesus re-interpreted painful stories or experiences in your life in a way that helped you to see hope in them?
  • What does it mean to you that Easter isn’t just a day we celebrate but a way of being in the world?
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?
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