Episode 095 – Parable of the Lost Son Pt 2: Worth Pursuing
Key Passage(s): Luke 15:3-10
Right before Jesus told the Parable of the Lost Son (Prodigal), he told the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. That’s because these three parables go together. And in order to understand what Jesus was challenging his hearers with in the Parable of the Lost Son, we must first understand what Jesus was communicating with the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. Hence, this episode. And, if all people are worth pursuing, and God is passionately pursuing all people, shouldn’t followers of Jesus be doing the same? Let’s find out.
Discussion Questions
- What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
- What was new for you in the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin?
- Where do you feel most challenged in what you learned?
- Who is lost in your life that needs pursuing? Have you noticed that they are lost?
- What does “pursuing” them look like? What does restoration and celebration look like?
- What may be God calling you to do?
- How will you begin taking a step in that direction this week?
For Further Study
- Stories With Intent by Klyne Snodgrass – Pages 117-143
- Poet & Peasant and Through Peasant Eyes (Combined Ed.) by Kenneth Bailey – Pages 142-158 in Poet & Peasant
- Jesus, The Middle Eastern Storyteller by Gary M. Burge – Chapter 6
- The Parables by Brad Young – Chapter 10
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