Episode 069 – The Lord’s Prayer Pt 5: Heaven Comes Here

Many people believe that the point of Jesus was to rescue us from our sins so that we can leave earth and go to heaven. But the problem is that Jesus doesn’t spend his time teaching about how we from here (earth) to go there (heaven), but about getting there (heaven) to come here (earth). Hold on tight because without question, the content of this episode is the most paradigm shifting aspect of the Lord’s Prayer. And my hope is that we may finally understand what we’ve been praying all along when we’ve said, “your kingdom come, your will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven!”

Discussion Questions

  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
  • Has your primary understanding of the Christian life been about how we get from earth to heaven? How has this teaching changed or challenged that perspective?
  • What are the implications of focusing so much on getting to heaven that we fail to live out Jesus’s instructions to join him in bringing heaven to earth?
  • Knowing that we each have a kingdom, a realm of influence, how have you been running your kingdom? Have you been orienting your kingdom to The Kingdom, or have you been more focused on building your kingdom?
  • What are some tangible ways you can orient your kingdom to The Kingdom in order for God’s will and way to advance in and through you to impact those your kingdom reaches?
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?

For Further Study

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  1. Susan Lutz June 4, 2019 at 8:29 am - Reply

    Boom! What an awesome teaching. This concept was so new to me a few years ago. Thank you, Brad! I have so much to get done today. I am so glad I took the time to soak this up.

  2. Sue Christian June 4, 2019 at 9:14 am - Reply

    Brad, fabulous! Question when God was in the temple on Zion was heaven and earth overlapping in Jerusalem?

  3. RIch Gilbert June 4, 2019 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    Great! I love the “new light” you turn on in understanding better what scripture is really communicating to us. You are excited about learning and communicating TRUTH. I share your enthusiasm here on the receiving end. I have been in “good, Bible-teaching churches” all my life, but never heard the wonderful things I am now learning from you (and others). Thanks! See you soon at IBC!

    • Brad Gray June 9, 2019 at 8:04 am - Reply

      So great to hear, Rich! And yes, see you tomorrow 🙂

  4. Bill Black June 4, 2019 at 4:13 pm - Reply

    So the kingdom cannot be on earth unless TORAH w/o blood sacrifices is applied in all believers hearts now and in the MILLENIEM.
    That would be 613 minus about 60 blood ordinances plus the 10!
    If one is not in accurate TORAH then the HS has a difficult time nudging one to be in the will of YAHOVAH!
    Luke is the only gospel that tells us why this prayer–“Lord, teach us to pray like John is teaching His discipes to pray-why not the rest?
    What was so effective about Johns prayer?

    • Brad Gray June 9, 2019 at 8:10 am - Reply

      Hey Bill, I’m struggling to understand your point here.

  5. Chris Petererson June 4, 2019 at 4:16 pm - Reply

    Brad, You are a gifted and phenomenal teacher.. thank you SO much for this teaching

  6. Cindy & Don July 7, 2019 at 9:49 pm - Reply


    Can’t wait to the end to say how much we are enjoying this series. Thanks always for the context!

    Bless you!

  7. Crystal Lorenzo July 12, 2019 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    And just like that, I finally understand. The second coming of the LORD. The Restoration of all Things. The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. His purpose. I am not afraid anymore, I am excited to do my part to the end of the story. And as the tears fall. Thank you Brad for teaching me.

  8. Kerri Gray August 3, 2022 at 12:50 pm - Reply

    So grateful to God and excited to play my part. Thank you for the hard work that you put in to summarize and help bring clarity to such a beautiful story. This teaching is fantastic!!!

  9. Brad Gray August 4, 2022 at 8:13 am - Reply

    Thrilled it was so helpful to you, Kerri!

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