Episode 068 – The Lord’s Prayer Pt 4: Holy Be Your Name
Key Passage(s): Matthew 6:9; Exodus 3:15; Ezekiel 36:23, 26-27
Hallowed be your name. What in the world does it mean to “hallow” someone’s name? And what is the significance of God’s name? Furthermore, why does Jesus tell us it needs to be hallowed in the first place? As with every aspect of the Lord’s Prayer, this one is loaded with meaning and rooted in Old Testament stories in order to help us understand the absolute necessity of God’s name being recognized in the world, and how our lives bear witness to the holiness of His great name.
Discussion Questions
- What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
- When was the last time someone spoke into your life in a meaningful way (like the letters written for Brad’s son)?
- How would you describe your relationship with the Bible?
- How would you describe the difference between devotional Bible reading and digging deep Bible reading?
- What are some of the barriers keeping you from discussing God’s Words with others?
- What is one way you’d like to grow in becoming more intentional with God’s Word?
- How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?
For Further Study
- Teaching Series Episode 004 – You Are The Message
- The Lord and His Prayer by N.T. Wright
- LORD, Teach Us by William H. Willimon & Stanley Hauerwas
- The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard – Chapter 7 deals specifically with the Lord’s Prayer
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Video went from clear to blurred at various times????
Hey Bill, I’m guessing it was your internet connection. We haven’t had any other complaints and couldn’t replicate the issue on our end. Thanks.
Eze 36:26 the word spirit in the beginning is all lower case yet the one YAHOVAH will put in you is uppercase? What is the significance or is this another translation error to draw one away for the Jewishness of our bible as in Marcion?
“be careful to keep My laws, 613 plus the 10 and not as Protestants teach only the 10 now as Jesus did away with all the rest?
the implication that the Spirit fell at Pentecost as the new heart etc but we/they did not stop sinning and act in the TORAH?????? they only were able to share the Gospel oin the hears language and did that continue?
So the new Jesus covenant at Pentecost does not make YAHOVAHS name hallowed yet, as majority of Christianity do not know that the full jot and tittle name has been discovered by Nehemiah Gordon and was printed in the fronts page in Hebrew of the 1601 King James Bible which they removed when bring it to America?
If we lived the TORAH and existing parts we’ed look Jewish and be hated by all in order to display the name YAHOVAH not the pagan term God-any deity-thus confusing the true name with pagan term like the 20,000 plus denominations of different pictures of Jesus. and thus YAHOVAH.
If its about YAHOVAHS name, why then is all one hear is Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and then we make believers get stuck on Jesus Jesus and hear nothing of YAHOVAH YAHOVAH YAHOVAH!
I understand why you cannot and will not yet go fully there but keep on doing this!
Hey Bill, I am sorry, I am having a hard time understanding the point you’re trying to make.
As usual, “right” on in terms of the message and exegesis of scripture. One point I feel worth mentioning, you reference “old people or older people” in a tone which seemed a bit condescending in tone. You also used the term “millennial’s” and younger as more the “norm” or more flattering. I was turned onto this podcast by a pastor friend of mine about 8-9 weeks ago, but this is the second time in that period an unflattering reference could be taken towards being older. I teach a course on “inter-generational dynamics in the workplace” and the more we tend to “label” other groups, it can bring with it unneeded, unintended and/or inaccurate assumptions. Food for thought at least I would hope; my $0.02 anyway.
Hey Robert, I really appreciate you sharing this. All throughout my ministry, I’ve sought to be age inclusive with everything I do. So the condescending tone was very unintentional, and you’re the first person who’s mentioned this. So again, thank you for sharing this and I’ll do my best to not give a hint of condescension as I don’t adhere to that whatsoever.
Brad, as usual “Thank you, and keep on!” I didn’t understand Bill. I am 70 years old, but didn’t (today or anytime) sense what Robert caught from you. (I don’t elevate you anymore than I should any mortal, but) I am very grateful for you and what you are trying to do through WTT. (! ! !) I look forward to each new teaching. I love you, brother!
I really appreciate your comments, Rich. Thank you for sharing them.
Brad, Holly and I have really enjoyed the Lord’s Prayer. I was struck by how the line “hallow be your name” isn’t only a realization of who God is but a call to action to represent Him well among the lost. I love how you weave the Older Testament to bring to light what Jesus is referring to. Looking forward to the 3 day conference in June.
Really appreciate that, Karl. See you tomorrow 🙂
Brad I am blessing God for this message. Didn’t think about it’s deeper meaning before. You get me so excited as I take notes and flip to the Hebrew Scriptures I almost can’t stand it! Sue