
The Teaching Series

Welcome to The Teaching Series. Below you will find short video teachings about. 12-20 minutes in length (also available as a podcast) that will help you study the Bible and understand its original context. Great for personal use, small group study, teams, family time, etc. Accompanying each teaching are discussion questions, and at times, additional resources for going deeper. Look out for new teaching every other Tuesday.

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Episode 023 – Divine In The Daily

We generally look for God in the big things, and yet, I believe God is most available to us in the everyday, humdrum activities of life. The problem is, we’re unaware as we speed through life, not slowing down long enough to notice the miracles in our midst and to encounter the divine in the daily.

Episode 022 – From Slave To Slave

On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted a statement known as “The Declaration of Independence,” announcing that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states – no longer a part of the British Empire – and calling themselves, “The United States of America.”

Episode 021 – Complete Like God

Rain was always a downer for me growing up. It spoiled the outdoor fun. As a result, I never understood Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 about God sending sun and rain on the righteous and unrighteous and then concluding with being “perfect as your heavenly father is perfect” – as if that was even possible.

Episode 020 – Hagah The Text

Being intentional with God’s Word is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. In the biblical period, God’s people were called to not only dig into the Scriptures but also to have an ongoing discussion with their friends and family about them.

Episode 019 – You Go First

It’s easy to tell others what they should do. It’s more challenging to lead the way first. But we must. In this teaching, we look at how Paul demonstrates this powerful truth in his letter to the Colossians and his reference to John Mark, who deserted he and Barnabbas at the most inopportune time and caused a tremendous amount of pain and friction.

Episode 018 – Build Your Central Park

Our lives are incredibly busy, and most of us aren’t intentional about creating space to retreat from the hustle and bustle to find rest, restoration, and rejuvenation. And yet, without such spaces, we deteriorate and lose focus on what’s important.

Episode 017 – Saying Yes To The Best

We say “yes” to a lot of things, but are they the things we should be saying “yes” to? Jim Collins has said that “the good is the enemy of the great.” We can get so caught up in doing “good” things that we miss out on the “best” things.

Episode 016 – Seizing Tassels

In Luke 8, a woman grabs the corner of Jesus’ garment and is instantly healed. It’s a bizarre story, until you understand the stunning connections she’s making, and why she does what she does. But even more stunning is Jesus’ tender response, and the implications of his invitation for us to come to him for help and healing despite our uncleanness, hesitations, fears, and messes.

Episode 015 – Loving God By Loving Others

Many of us know Jesus’ statement about loving God and loving others in Matthew 22. But I’m guessing most of us don’t know the Gezerah Shavah behind it that makes it even more fascinating, revolutionary, and challenging than we thought.

Episode 014 – Blessing God 100 Times A Day

There’s an ancient Jewish practice that revolutionized my prayer life and fostered an awareness of both God and gratitude that I hadn’t accessed on a regular basis before. In this short teaching, I share what that practice is and how it can have a significant impact on your life as well.

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