
The Teaching Series

Welcome to The Teaching Series. Below you will find short video teachings about. 12-20 minutes in length (also available as a podcast) that will help you study the Bible and understand its original context. Great for personal use, small group study, teams, family time, etc. Accompanying each teaching are discussion questions, and at times, additional resources for going deeper. Look out for new teaching every other Tuesday.

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Episode 186 – Out of Context Pt 2: For I Know the Plans

Jeremiah 29:11 is a crowd favorite! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Who wouldn’t want these plans? Prosperity, comfort (no harm), a hopeful future – sign us up!

Episode 185 – Out of Context Pt 1: I Can Do All Things

Understanding the original context of a passage unleashes the power of Scripture to transform our lives. “Out of Context” is a new series designed to help us train our minds to ask better questions when we read the Bible by exploring famous passages that are frequently taken out of context.

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