Episode 192 – Life in the Roman Empire Pt 2: Stadium & Chariot Races

The Romans were obsessed with games and sports, to the extent that athletes were treated like celebrities, and passionate fans sometimes rioted. Herod the Great was even voted President of the Olympic Games for life! Among the most popular games were footraces and chariot races, which captivated the public’s imagination. The Apostle Paul frequently drew on this imagery, using the idea of running a race to describe the Christian life—urging believers to run well, strain forward, and keep their eyes fixed on the ultimate goal. He did the same with chariot races as well. By understanding these cultural references, we gain clarity on what Paul was admonishing believers to do to be faithful to Jesus in our lives.

Discussion Questions

  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching? 
  • When you think about all the different ways Paul uses athletic imagery to describe the life of a disciple, which one resonates most deeply with your own experience? 
  • Read Galatians 2:2 and Philippians 2:16. Paul speaks often about “running in vain” or “running aimlessly.” When you think about your relationship with Jesus, when has it felt like you were “running in vain?” 
  • Read 1 Corinthians 9:24. Paul likens a life of discipleship to an athlete running a race in order to win. Athletes are diligent in training, paying attention to things like footwear, diet, and time-management. What does your training as a follower of Jesus look like right now? How do you want it to look different? 
  • Read Philippians 13-14 and reflect on the image of the chariot racer binding the reins around his or her body. So often, we “tie ourselves” to things other than Jesus and they hold us back. What are some of the things you’ve “tied yourself to” that hold you back?    
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week? 
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One Comment

  1. Wesley H Campbell August 14, 2024 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    As Always, OUTSTANDING!!!

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