Several quick exciting updates and announcements:
- The 2017 Turkey Study Trip (for General Public) is NOW OPEN for applications (my new process requires applying first and then registering). Learn about the trip HERE. I cannot recommend this trip enough! Turkey is a treasure trove for understanding the biblical world and what Christ followers and the church are called to be and do in the world. If you don’t know why it would benefit you significantly going to Turkey, see my blogpost HERE.
- For those of you Pastors and Ministry Leaders (and spouses), I’m leading a Turkey Study Trip in March (6-16) and we still have room. This trip is specifically designed for ministry leaders. Please take a look at this unique trip opportunity HERE on GTI’s site (whom I partner with).
- I have the privilege of teaching back-to-back weekends at Discovery Church in Orlando on December 3/4 and 10/11 on what the world was like when Jesus was born. If you’re in the Orlando area, it would be great to see you. We’re going to have an absolute blast digging into the real Christmas story!
- I have one more extremely exciting announcement, but you’ll have to wait about two weeks to hear about it. Until then, Happy Thanksgiving!
Again, for those of you interested in either of the Turkey Trips, start HERE.