Episode 191 – Life in the Roman Empire Pt 1: The Theatre

Every self-respecting city in the Roman Empire had a theatre. Yes, people loved entertainment, but the theatre was bigger than that. It was a culture shaping venue where edgy ideas and societal taboos were normalized in order to dictate the direction of culture. The Apostle Paul understood this and made frequent use of theatre imagery to shape people into the image of Jesus. In this episode, you’ll learn how the theatre functioned, how Paul used theatre language, and what we need to be aware of as we engage in the entertainment of our day.

Discussion Questions

  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching? 
  • What specific shows/movies are shaping culture (or have recently shaped culture), and what are the new and edgy ideas they’re pushing? 
  • Beyond sexuality, what other unhealthy values does the entertainment industry seem to celebrate and admire? 
  • What entertainment is helping shape culture in a positive way?  
  • How would you help a young person discern what entertainment is appropriate and not appropriate as a follower of Jesus? 
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week? 
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  1. Susan Stacey July 30, 2024 at 8:23 am - Reply

    Hi Brad, thank you. I can’t help but think of the “F” word.’this has so diminished God’s design for beauty shared in marriage.

  2. Wesley H Campbell August 2, 2024 at 1:02 pm - Reply


  3. Anne Caraway August 2, 2024 at 2:36 pm - Reply

    You mentioned in the video that those in attendance had a handout. Is there anyway to get a copy?

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