Episode 079 – Do and Teach

Key Passage(s): Acts 1:1

How do you get people to change? It’s a simple, yet profound question. What if I told you that the way we typically think people change isn’t the way they change at all – that we’ve got it all backwards? The good news is that Jesus didn’t. He knew exactly how people change, and employed an approach that maximized this. And when you understand what he did and why he did it, the way you approach change in your life and in the lives of others will definitely change. Enjoy!

Discussion Questions

  • What was your biggest takeaway from the teaching?
  • Had you ever noticed the word order in Acts 1:1 about the “do and teach?”
  • When seeking change in your life or in others, where have you focused so much on the rider that you’ve neglected the elephant?
  • What’s once experience you could create in order to seek the desired change (again, whether in you or in those you lead or influence)?
  • How will you begin living out the truths of this teaching this week?

For Further Study

Switch by Chip and Dan Heath

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  1. Donald Catchings August 28, 2019 at 12:24 pm - Reply

    Enjoy the teaching Brad. It’s great to know what we can learn through our experiences and then be able to teach others. Jesus gave us so many examples of how he wants us to be and then he explained it to us in his teachings. God bless!

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