The Teaching Series
Welcome to The Teaching Series. Below you will find short video teachings about. 12-20 minutes in length (also available as a podcast) that will help you study the Bible and understand its original context. Great for personal use, small group study, teams, family time, etc. Accompanying each teaching are discussion questions, and at times, additional resources for going deeper. Look out for new teaching every other Tuesday.
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Episode 183 – Proclamations of Christmas Pt 3: Angels’ Song
During the Christmas season, we join the angels in singing “peace on earth.” But earth doesn’t always feel peaceful. In fact, it often feels really chaotic. From personal challenges to family heartaches to friends who are suffering to wars around the world, the idea of “peace” can be confusing and elusive.
Episode 182 – Proclamations of Christmas Pt 2: Zechariah’s Song
Zechariah’s song (the “Benedictus” in Latin) is a potent reminder that God sees us, cares about us, and faithfully show up to us in our lives. It’s a powerful song, but as you’ll see, powerful songs come from powerful stories – usually painful ones.
Episode 181 – Proclamations of Christmas Pt 1: Mary’s Song
Christmas songs are powerful! From hymns and carols to drumlines and choirs, few things capture the essence of Christmas like its music. Which is why in this new series, we examine the prophetic songs surrounding the first Christmas recorded in Luke’s Gospel.
Episode 180 – Flora & Faith Pt 6: Resting Under the Rotem
In this final episode of our Flora & Faith series, we meet two biblical characters who come to the end of themselves in the same wilderness south of Beersheba. “Wilderness” is more than just a place on a map.
Episode 179 – Flora & Faith Pt 5: Uprooting Our Atads
In the book of Judges, we meet an obscure tree that serves as a powerful illustration of what a life of faithfulness looks like. In Judges 9, Gideon’s son, Abimelech, convinces the people of Shechem to appoint him as king and then murders all his brothers, except one: Jotham.
Episode 178 – Flora & Faith Pt 4: Grafted Into the Olive Tree
Arguably the most recognizable tree in the land of Israel, the olive tree is known for its legendary longevity and fruitfulness. As such, it’s referenced repeatedly in the Scriptures.
Episode 177 – Flora & Faith Pt 3: Waiting with the Almond Tree
Waiting on God is one of the most difficult things to do in life. In some seasons, we’re forced to wait so long it’s hard to see any redemptive purpose in it. But, in the Scriptures, the blossoming of the almond tree is a hopeful sign of better things to come.
Episode 176 – Flora & Faith Pt 2: Fruit Like a Fig Tree
Episode 176 – Flora & Faith Pt 2: Fruit Like a Fig Tree We’ve all read stories in the Bible that leave us wondering, “Wait! What in the world does that mean?” Jesus’s cursing the fig tree is a prime example. As one of the signature features of the landscape of the Bible, the fig tree developed deep symbolic meaning for the people of Israel.
Episode 175 – Flora & Faith Pt 1: Abiding in the Vine
Some of the most powerful lessons on faithfulness in Scripture come from flora illustrations. When we understand the flora behind the illustrations, we grasp the lessons at a deeper and more impactful level.
Episode 174 – Jesus in Galilee Pt 7: Microcosm of the World
Jesus lived and ministered in a world of competing agendas, ideologies, and theologies. Nowhere was this more apparent than around the Sea of Galilee.